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Jammu : Dimple demands SC CJI supreme court chief justice of india to ban the article 370 movie throughout india.


2. Dimple appealed to the j&k dogra people to boycott article 370 movie, as this insult of dogra maharaja harisingh ji who gave us article 370.


Sunil Dimple president mission statehood Jammu kashmir addressing a press conference has boycotted and appealed to the j&k people to boycott the released movie on article 370, today in the cinema theaters.


Dimple demands SC CJI supreme court chief justice of india to ban the article 370 movie throughout india.


Dimple alleged this article 370 movie is conspiracy to defame our j&k dogra state princely state of Mahraja harisingh ji people as maharaja harisingh gave us article 370 in 1927 to save guard our land, jobs and to protect the dogra j&k state history, identity and demography.


Dimple said during the standstill agreement, instrument of accession with india on 26 october 1947, president of india two times, with presidential orders parliament of india two time granted life to article 370 and two time SC supreme court of india denied to abrogate.


He said BJP forcibly on 5 august 2019 abrogated article 370 and demolished the two hundred years old dogra state in two inion territories.


Dimple said abrogation of article 370 is a deep bound to the dogras and insult of our maharaja harisingh ji who gave article 370, state subject and his all laws were scraped.


He said this article 370 film is a conspiracy to defame j&k dogras, gujjar-bakrwals, pahadies, hindu, muslims, sikhs, people of pierpanjal, chenab valley people, in india.


Dimple announced he will not make this article 370 movie as this is an insult of dogra maharaja Harisinghji, who gave us article 370.


Dimple allged earlier also the Kashmir file movie was made to defame the j&k state to full fill the BJP political agenda and now this time also at the time of election BJP ileaders are promoting this film.


He said we will implement the instrument of accession conditions signed by j&k dogra Mahraja Hari singh ji with india during the accession between j&k india, only this is the way forward for happiness, progress of jammu Kashmir people.CNI

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