Team Current News Of Indian greeted people on Shab-e-Barat

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Srinagar 25 Feb: (CNI) Team of News Agency Current News Of Indian (CNI) extended his warm to the people of Jammu and Kashmir on the occasion of Shab-e-Barat.

Editor in Chief Current News Of Indian Mr. Bilal Bazaz said that this holy night has great significance in the history of Islam and Muslims.

He said, “This sacred night provides us with an opportunity to seek forgiveness and blessings from the Almighty Allah.”

He also prayed that may this day further strengthen the bond between people and be a harbinger of peace, progress and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir.

Similarly Whole Team of Current News Of Indian CNI extended their sincere greetings to people brings harmony, happiness and brotherhood among the people in Jammu and Kashmir on the occasion Shab-e- Baraat and also prayed for their well being of people in whole world.(CNI)

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