BJP issues notice to 8 leaders in Kashmir Valley for indulging in anti-party activities

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Srinagar, Sep 29, (CNI): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) disciplinary committee has issued notice to 8 party leaders in the Kashmir Valley for indulging in anti-party activities.
According to the notices have been issued to Altaf Thakur, Ali Mohammad Mir, GM Mir, Asif Masoodi, Arif Raja, Anwar Khan, Manzoor Bhat and Bilal Parray.

The notice reads that while holding enquiry of indiscipline against Sofi Yusuf, it came to the notice of Disciplinary Committee that there are serious allegations and proof of indiscipline against each of them for indulging in activities prejudicial to maintenance of discipline in party.
“By your activities sense of mistrust have been created in party leadership. Keeping in view your position in the party and your past contributions Disciplinary Committee has decided to give you one opportunity to sumit your unconditional apology for your conduct and not to repeat in future in any such activity failing which disciplinary Committee will initiate regular proceedings against you and which may lead to your removal of official positions and even from Primary membership in case allegations of indiscipline is established,” reads the notice.
It reads that if they choose to give unconditional apology and undertaking for future the same may be sent to party president within one week from today.
BJP disciplinary committee consists of chairman Sunil Sethi and members Aseem Gupta and Rekha Mahajan. (CNI) Current News of India

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