CEO ERA reviews progress on World Bank funded JTFRPBid evaluation process for additional Gynae block at L.D. Hospital to conclude soon

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Beigh Arif CNI

Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA/JTFRP, Muhammad Aijaz Asad, has asked the Project Implementation Unit to expedite the bid evaluation process for construction of additional Gynae block at Lal Ded hospital, Srinagar, being constructed under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project (JTFRP).
The CEO was chairing a meeting held at civil secretariat to review the progress on World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project.
He was informed that 200 sub-projects out of the total of 213 sub-projects taken up for execution under JTFRP have been completed till date with an overall expenditure of Rs 1527 crore.

Sajad Naqeeb, Chief Engineer PWD (R&B Central), while giving details about the progress on construction of additional Gynae/Infertility/Oncology block at Lal Ded Hospital, being constructed under JTFRP, said that the evaluation of technical bids is under process and is expected to be completed shortly for submitting to World Bank for approval.
The CEO asked the Chief Engineer to expedite the bid evaluation process for the prestigious health sector project.
Susheel Kumar, Director Technical JTFRP/Chief Engineer, PWD (R&B North), informed that work on 4 bridges in North Kashmir, namely Wahdina, Waza Mohalla, Wagoora and Shrakwara has been allotted and contractor has already started procurement of material on Wahdina bridge. He added that work on all the 4 bridges is expected to be completed by December, 2025.

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