Few Private Schools in Pulwama ‘Continuing with Teaching Activities’, Concerned CEO Warns Erring Institutes

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Srinagar : After some of the private schools in Pulwama district kept institutes open and were allegedly continuing with teaching activities, the Chief Education Officer (CEO) Pulwama of late directs such schools to desist from such practices.

As per the news agency CNI, a circular from the office of the Chief Education Officer Pulwama reads, “Since the government has announced winter vocations for all government and government recognized private schools up-to class 8th w.e.f 01-12-2023 to 29-02-2024.”

“This office is receiving complaints from the field and from the parents of the kids reading in private schools that some institutions are violating the government orders /circulars by continuing schooling during vacations. Moreover complaints are pouring in regarding charging of transportation fee and other dues which are not justified under rules,” it added.

While directing the schools to not violate the order, the CEO Pulwama further stated in the circular, “As such it is reiterated for all the heads of institutions and managing bodies to desist from such practices and adhere to the directions already passed by the department. Any such non compliance will be dealt with strictly as per rules and guidelines.” (CNI)

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