GCC Welcomes ECI’s Decision to Hold Assembly Elections Calls for full restoration of Jammu and Kashmir Statehood

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Srinagar, CNI: The Group of Concerned Citizens (GCC), a non-political collective in Jammu and Kashmir, has expressed support for the Election Commission of India’s (ECI) decision to conduct assembly elections in the region after nearly a decade.


As per news agency Current News of India (CNI), in a statement issued here, the GCC, comprising retired civil servants, academics, and professionals, emphasized the importance of conducting free and fair elections. They expressed confidence that the UT administration, under ECI’s supervision, would ensure this process is carried out in letter and spirit.


The GCC also urged the early restoration of full statehood for Jammu and Kashmir, noting that the elected government in the Union Territory currently lacks full authority to serve its people effectively.


The group referenced the commitments made by the Prime Minister and the Home Minister regarding statehood restoration and called for the fulfillment of these promises without further delay. CNI

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