Prevention and relief from biological epidemic eye flu

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Prevention and relief from biological epidemic eye flu

Bhanwar Lal Tank

Many serious diseases have taken birth in the rainy season, at this time the cases of eye flu are continuously increasing in many states, including Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and other states. Eye flu ie conjunctivitis is known as pink eye. It is an infection that comes in a natural disaster. Which causes inflammation in the conjunctiva. Which covers the white part of the eye and the inner layer of the eyelids. Due to the low temperature and humidity during monsoon, people are exposed to bacteria, viruses and allergens, which leads to allergic reactions and infections like conjunctivitis.

1.Why is eye flu called pink eyes?This infection is inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, clear layer that lines the inside of the eye and covers the white part of the eye. When the white part of the eye becomes pink or red in this problem, it is called pink eye.

  1. Why are cases of pink eyes or eye flu increasing? Flood water, water gets contaminated due to many elements that spread pollution. These causes include sewage and other persons. When people come in contact with this contaminated water, there is a risk of bacteria and virus reaching the eyes, it causes eye flu. Apart from this, due to limited availability of clean water, cleaning facilities, rain, many such elements spread in the air. are | Which cause allergies and irritation and due to floods, the amount of moisture increases a lot. This creates a favorable environment for bacteria and viruses to thrive. Warm and moist conditions provide a suitable environment for the infectious agents to survive and spread. This increases the risk of pink eye infection.
  2. Symptoms of eye flu
  • Due to conjunctivitis, one or both eyes may become red. *Itching may occur. *Gritty may occur.
  • There can be problem of removing water and gid in the eyes.
  • There may be swelling in the eyelids. *Lighting may be a problem.
  • If such a problem occurs, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
  1. Measures to avoid eye flu *wash hands frequently
  • Do not touch your eyes repeatedly with your hands
  • Keep washing your eyes from time to time. *wearing dark glasses when going out
  • Avoid eye contact with the victim *The bed of a person suffering from eye flu Do not use towel or cloth
  • Keep distance from TV mobile *Eye flu may take 3 to 5 days to heal, but if the infection occurs in one eye after another, it may take longer to heal.
  • In how many days will eye flu be cured? This is viral conjunctivitis, so it is such a disease that can be cured by itself.
  1. Prevention of eye flu
  • If there is pain in the eyes due to eye flu, then to avoid it, wash your eyes with cold water little by little. * Washing the eyes with rose water reduces the infection of the eyes, removes the dirt of the eyes.
  • Use eye drops with doctor’s advice. Take care of some things while infected with eye flu.
  • If there is an infection in the eyes, first consult a doctor, after that take regular medicine as prescribed.
  • Also, do not share your things like towels, napkins with anyone.
  • Use spectacles in case of eye infection, don’t wear lenses even by mistake. * Staying at home after infection, if you go out, the risk of infection will increase.
  • Ask those who are infected to take leave from school, college or office.
  • Eye flu infection can be reduced only by preventive measures.

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