Srinagar, October 22 :- Voice for Peace and Justice a non-political youth organization of Kashmir represented by people from different walks of life observed a ‘black day’ today at SKICC Srinagar to mark the 77th anniversary of tribal invasion of the Kashmir Valley by Pakistan army backed Tribals in 22 October 1947. The day Pakistan invaded Jammu and Kashmir along the tribesmen, was one of the blackest day in the history of Kashmir.
“During the past, Radical Forces and separatists used to force Kashmiris to observe Black Day on October 27 which coincides with the arrival of Indian army in Kashmir Valley.
“People were led to believe that their problems started after October 22, 1947, and Pakistan provided funds and support to all anti-national groups who observe Black Day on October 27,” Pakistan lost the war against Jammu and Kashmir because it did not want the Muslim majority state of Jammu and Kashmir to become part of India while the people of Jammu and Kashmir wanted accession with a secular India. Pakistan was also worried about the secular credentials of the people of Jammu and Kashmir as a whole and wanted to disrupt the secular harmony so that the two nation theory becomes successful.
Jammu and Kashmir state is the crown of India and a mosaic of plural identities living in a spirit of peace and brotherhood. 22 October is a call to all peace loving citizens to rise and defeat the communal game of Pakistan, said Farooq Ganderbali President Voice for Peace and Justice.
Basher Ahmad, An Imam from Pulwama, while delivering his speech said that, Pakistan’s sponsored terrorism not only harmed Kashmir but also put a stain on Islam on entirety. He said Muslims are suffering worldwide due to Pakistan supported radicalization. We Kashmiris realized that Pakistan is always intended to ruin our generations, realizations came late and till that we had lost a lot. He added.
Advocate Altaf Ahmad said that 22 Oct 1947 is the day of invasion of Jammu and Kashmir. To call it tribal raid is a misnomer. Tribals were used by Pakistani Army as the frontal hordes to hide the nature of regular invasion of Jammu and Kashmir state. The day is the Blackest Day because this invasion broke up the state and rendered thousands and lakhs of Hindus and Sikhs as refugees in their own state. Thousands were killed and abducted during the invasion. We have to remember all those who perished during the invasion. We have also to remember that Pakistan broke up the state and captured almost half of it. The people in the Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are denied all rights of freedom and during these years we have only seen a sham democracy on that side and also the colonization by the Pakistani citizens.
This day reminds us of the challenges to the peace, harmony unity and integrity of the state.
22 Oct 1947 was also the beginning of asymmetric war against India. This asymmetric war is continuing till now and devising a befitting response to put an end to this war is a challenge before India and particularly the people of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Haji Mohammad Ashraf, Councilor Srinagar Municipal Corporation said for taking an initiative which is the need of the hour in these trying circumstances in the state. He said that by observing BLACK DAY on Oct 22, we will pay homage to lakhs of people killed, maimed and looted in 1947 by the invaders. Innocent women who were robed, raped, kidnapped, and killed by the raiders in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
He further Said “During the past, Pakistan agencies used to force and money for Kashmiris through separatists to observe Black Day on October 27 which coincides with the arrival of Indian army in Srinagar.
Bilal Bhat, a renowned Social Activist from Kashmir thanked administration for their positive efforts due to which Kashmir with each passing day is witnessing a positive transformation. He thanked Lieutenant Governor’s administration especially the Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta’s efforts for making Jammu and Kashmir digital. Today Jammu and Kashmir is having 1065 public services available at the fingertips of citizens. He added.
Farooq Ganderbali, a prominent social activist and President of Voice For Peace and Justice, in his address said that The Pakistan was always used to exploit the religious sentiments of Kashmiris but the time has gone now, the times have changed from the bloodshed, violence, shutdowns to the peace and tranquility. Kashmiris have lost a generation to the violence sponsored by Pakistan and mothers are still waiting and wailing for their children to return. But now Kashmiri youngsters have left behind this violence and are rising and shining on international and Olympic platforms. The successful G- 20 summit in Kashmir in real sense represented the hospitality and other parameters of Kashmir due to which the tourism industry is blooming here now.
22nd October is a black day in history of Jammu and Kashmir. The people are still suffering the impact of the attack the tribal’s made with the support of Pakistan. The speakers strongly opposed the move which was made in order to loot and plunder Kashmir. Kashmiris are wholeheartedly integrated with the India and it’s our fortune that we have such kind of government supervising the affairs of country and under their able leadership the violence in Kashmir has turned to a history now.
The speakers during the seminar highlighter how Tribal militia unleashed reign of terror and unprovoked aggression against people of Jammu and Kashmir violated state’s sovereignty, A number of prominent speakers including, Renowned social activist of Pulwama Ghulam Rasool Parwana, President Civil Society Kashmir Altaf Ahmad, Advocate Farooq Ahmad Reshi, Advocate Tawseef Ahmad of J&K High Court Srinagar, Dr Asif Rasool , Advocate Bashir Ahmad , Dr Bilal Ahmad Dar, Presiden JKYDF Shaheryar Majeed, Adv. G.N.Wani former Secretary state Human Rights, Trade Leader Mohd Yousf Wani ,Zeeshan Ahmad President Utthan Mission Trust , Social Activist Tasleema Akhter, Social activist Farhan Kitab , Trade union Leader Mohammad Altaf Dar spoke on the occasion.