World NGO Day: Kashmir Concern Launches Green Kashmir Revolution Plantation Drive 2024 with Aspire Heritage School Children

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Srinagar : On the occasion of World NGO Day, Kashmir Concern, a registered non-governmental organization dedicated to environmental conservation and community development, proudly announced the launch of its flagship initiative, the Green Kashmir Revolution Plantation Drive 2024. The event kicked off with a tree plantation activity involving the enthusiastic participation of children from Aspire Heritage School, underscoring the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.


Dr Touseef Ahmed chairman Kashmir Concern said That plantation drive aims to address environmental challenges in the region by promoting afforestation, increasing green cover, and fostering a sense of environmental responsibility among the youth. By engaging with the students of Aspire Heritage School, Kashmir Concern seeks to inspire the next generation to become active participants in creating a greener, more sustainable future for Kashmir.


Syed Amjid Rizvi said “We are thrilled to launch the Green Kashmir Revolution Plantation Drive 2024 in collaboration with the young minds of Aspire Heritage School,” , Founder of Kashmir Concern. “By instilling a sense of environmental consciousness in children at an early age, we hope to nurture a generation of eco-conscious leaders who will champion the cause of environmental conservation in Kashmir and beyond.”


Syed Ajaz Kashani Prominent Social worker also joined the program as a special guest said that The tree plantation event was marked by a spirit of camaraderie and shared commitment to environmental protection. Children enthusiastically planted saplings of native tree species, symbolizing their dedication to preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of Kashmir.


Kashmir Concern extends its heartfelt gratitude to Aspire Heritage School for their valuable partnership and to all the participants for their unwavering support in making the Green Kashmir Revolution Plantation Drive 2024 a resounding success.CNI

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