07 medical shops including one Jan Aushadi kendra were Seized

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Tabish bukhari

Srinagar, Feb 04 (CNI) Team of Drug control officers headed by Assistant Drugs Controller Srinagar Ms.Reema Gizala inspected various Medical shops located inside and in vicinity of SMHS Hospital srinagar. Surprise Inspections were conducted to check records of
NRX and other Scheduled drugs,installation of CCTV Camera’s and computerized billing system and presence of Qualified person.

According to that seven medical shops including one Jan Aushadi kendra were shut down for non maintenance of records of scheduled drugs and absence of qualified person.
Assistant Drug Controller reported that CCTV cameras were found installed and functional,however wrt Computerized billing,strict directions were passed to implement the same within a weeks time.

It was further impressed upon by the Assistant Drugs Controller Srinagar to adhere to directions pased from to time for installation of digitilized billing system and proper maintenance of records of NRx drugs and other prescription drugs,failung which action as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act shall be initiated against defaulters.Assistant Drugs Controller Ms.Reema said that this inspection is a part of Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan.

Source:- (BAN)

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