71-Year-Old Cyclist Raghuvir Khoda Starts Epic Journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Promoting a Drugs-Free India and Environmental Awareness

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Srinagar, October 5, 2024: Raghuvir Khoda, a 71-year-old cyclist, has successfully Started his journey on cycle from kashmirs Ganta Gar (Clock tower) lal cbowk, his remarkable 3,500 km journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, cycling across the length of the country to promote the causes of a drug-free India (Nasha Mukht Bharat) and environmental awareness. His extraordinary feat has captured the hearts and minds of communities nationwide, inspiring people of all ages to take action on two critical social issues.Raghuvir’s journey was celebrated by various social organizations, including the Rehmat lil Alameen Foundation, chaired by Sheikh Firdous Ali, prominent Socio-environmental activist like Dr. Touseef Ahmed and Renowned Social worker of Kashmir Syed Aijaz Kashani. These groups recognized Raghuvir’s indomitable spirit and passion for making a difference. They praised his determination to spread awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and the importance of environmental protection, both of which are pressing issues in today’s world.While starting his epic journey, Raghuvir shared his heartfelt message:”I want to inspire people, especially the youth, to join the movement against drugs and environmental degradation. Every individual can make a difference, and together we can create a better future for our children and the generations to come.”He further emphasized the power of unity in tackling these issues, encouraging every citizen to take small but meaningful steps towards reducing drug abuse and protecting the environment.

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