Altaf Bukhari expresses concern over ‘assault’ on Kashmiri students at DBU, urges LG admin to take up the issue with Punjab authorities

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Srinagar, 15 Sep (CNI) : J&K Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari urges LG admin to take up the issue with Punjab authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of J&K students.

In a statement issued here to News-agency Current News of India, Apni Party President, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, on Friday, expressed grave concern over reports suggesting that several nursing students at Desh Bhagat University (DBU) in Punjab had been assaulted by the police while these students were protesting against what they believe to be an unfair decision made by the college administration.

He said that he had been informed by affected students, including girls from Jammu and Kashmir, that they were subjected to police assault during their peaceful protest against the college administration’s decision to transfer their admissions to another nursing college.

Altaf Bukhari urged J&K’s Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to take up this matter with the Punjab government to ensure that students from J&K do not endure any undue hardship while pursuing their education at DBU.(CNI)

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