For centuries, the Kashmiri Pandit community has been the bedrock of Kashmir’s rich cultural and historical tapestry. As the original inhabitants of the Kashmir Valley, our roots run deep, tracing back to the earliest days of civilization in this region. We are the indigenous people of Kashmir, and our connection to the land is profound and unparalleled. It is high time that this truth is formally recognized, and the Kashmiri Pandit community is declared the indigenous people of the Kashmir Valley, with all attendant benefits and protections.
The Kashmiri Pandits’ history in the valley is a out come of our enduring presence and contributions. We have not only lived on this land but have also shaped its cultural, intellectual, and spiritual landscape. Our traditions, language, and customs are integral to the identity of Kashmir. Despite this, we have been systematically marginalized, our lands and properties seized under various pretexts, pushing us into a minority in our own homeland.
The demographic shift in the valley is a stark reminder of the historical injustices faced by our community. Over the centuries, through invasions, forced conversions, and political manipulations, the original Kashmiri Pandits have been displaced, making way for converts, outsiders, and aggressors. This has led to the erosion of our demographic strength and cultural prominence, but not our rightful claim to our ancestral land.
Declaring Kashmiri Pandits as the indigenous people of Kashmir Valley is not merely a matter of historical correction; it is a necessary step towards justice. It acknowledges our unique status and ensures that our rights and heritage are protected. This recognition would provide the Kashmiri Pandit community with the legal and social safeguards needed to preserve our culture, properties, and way of life.
The benefits of such a declaration are manifold. It would affirm our identity and grant us the protections afforded to indigenous peoples worldwide, including rights to land, cultural preservation, and political representation,economic upliftment. Moreover, it would facilitate the return and rehabilitation of displaced Kashmiri Pandits, allowing us to rebuild our lives and community in our ancestral land of Kashyap, in Kashmirvalley. .
The call and appeal for recognition of Kashmiri Pandits as indigenous inhabitants of Kashmir is not just about the past; it is about securing a future where the Kashmiri Pandit community can thrive once more in the valley. It is about ensuring that our children grow up with a strong sense of identity and connection to their heritage. It is about justice for the countless Kashmiri Pandits who have suffered displacement, discrimination, and dispossession.
At end I as Sevak of KashmiriPandit community would like to request that, the Kashmiri Pandit community’s rightful status as the indigenous people of the Kashmir Valley must be recognized and affirmed. This recognition is a crucial step towards healing the wounds of the past and building a future based on justice, dignity, and respect for the original inhabitants,the Kashmiri Pandits, of this beautiful land. We urge the authorities to take immediate action to declare the Kashmiri Pandits as the indigenous people of Kashmir Valley and to extend all benefits and protections that come with this status.
We request every individual of our community to support this genuine demand of the Kashmiri Pandits raised by KPC from the couple of years with the Government.
[ Kundan Kashmiri]
Original inhabitant of Kashmir & President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC)
Mobile No.880 2167955