Arrival of Hajj Flights: Obtain vehicle passes from concerned DC office

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In view of the arrival of Hajj flights from July 18, the administration has informed the relatives of the pilgrims, except Srinagar, to obtain vehicle passes from the offices of their respective Deputy Commissioners from July 13.

The notice is for those people who wish to receive the pilgrims at the Srinagar International Airport.

According to news agency Current News of India–CNI, the return of the pilgrims from Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh is starting from July 18 and in this regard, the relatives of the pilgrims have been asked to get the passes from their concerned deputy commissioners to receive the pilgrims at Srinagar airport.

The relatives of pilgrims belonging to UT Ladakh, Jammu division, and Srinagar district shall get the passes from Hajj House Bemina, Srinagar three days before the scheduled date of arrival, the notice reads.

The relatives must carry a photostat copy of their identity cards on which the cover number of Pilgrims must be written. (CNI)

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