ASK Cum Clerk Of Food Dept Attached In Baramulla

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An assistant storekeeper cum clerk of food circle Pattan in Baramulla district has been attached following the complaints against him and an enquiry committee has been constituted.

Assistant Director Food Baramulla issued an order in this regard, a copy of which lies with us, which reads as, “In view of compliant against Javid Ahmad Bhat I/C Storekeeper Sale Centre Pattan-A having NFSA ration card in the family.”

“The following enquiry committee is directed to submit the factual report to this office within two days positively,” it continues.

The enquiry officers include, Zaffarullah Zargar (I/C TSO) and Aijaz Ahmad Dar (I/C TSO).

Meanwhile, Javid Ahmad Bhat (ASK) is hereby attached with the office of the undersigned till the conclusion of the enquiry report, the order further reads.(CNI)

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