BJP will win all five LS seats in J&K: Yaqoob Malik

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By Bilal Bazaz

Srinagar, 03 April:(CNI) The aspect of rehabilitation and compensation in BJP Government remained at priority in all developmental projects while this element was nowhere in sight in earlier regimes and lands of the poor were forcefully taken for projects due to which there was always a mess and hue and cry.

This was stated by senior BJP Senior leader and Former MC Chairman Pampore said in an statement issued to news agency Current News Of India CNI on today evening.


The BJP leader said that development spree is going on in Jammu and Kashmir and big business houses are investing here and this in turn is helping to curb the unemployment problem in the UT.


“The schemes launched by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi have changed the lifestyle of the people in J&K has got benefits of these schemes,” he maintained adding that the people of J&K are now happy with the unprecedented changes which are historical for Jammu and Kashmir.


The senior BJP leader Yaqoob Malik said that soon Lok Sabha elections will be held across the country and BJP will re-emerge as victorious with record number of seats.

“We will surely win all the five Lok Sabha seats from Jammu and Kashmir and the one from Ladakh as people of two UTs want the development spree to continue further and the peace to prevail in J&K.


Yaqoob Malik said that the students should work hard in their studies and become good citizen of the country.(CNI)

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