BSF Celebrates Independence Day In Kashmir’s Remote Village

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BSF personnel on Tuesday celebrated Independence Day in remote area near the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara district.

The commanding officer of the battalion unfurled the national flag as the soldiers chanted patriotic slogans on the occasion of the country’s 77th Independence Day.

Commanding Officer Mohammad Israel said, “Our battalion is deployed along the LoC along with three army units. We are fortunate to be entrusted with the duty of protecting the country’s borders and we are very proud of it. I wish our countrymen Want to assure that they are safe and secure. Enemy cannot pass through us.”

BSF Kashmir Frontier Inspector General Ashok Yadav said alert on LoC ahead of Independence Day to foil nefarious intentions of enemy.

He added that whenever there is a national event, the threat level increases. The BSF, which is deployed along the LoC with the army, is performing its duties with vigilance.

We ensure that there is no infiltration across the LoC, he said, adding “we conduct our patrols and ambushes to cover all dangerous areas and prevent any terrorist activity.”

He added that we have conducted some good operations in which we have thwarted several infiltration attempts. “As the snow melts along the LoC mountain passes, the chances of infiltration also increase,” he added.

When the snow melts the sense of danger in terms of infiltration increases and we see more infiltration attempts during this season, he added.(CNI)

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