Delayed Completion of Kissan Ghar Project Raises Concerns: A Reflection of Government Inefficiency

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Visited kissan Ghar of Horticulture department of Jammu and Kashmir govt.located at Shalimar Bagh Azadpur area New Delhi today and it was astonished to see that foundation stone of new extension building was laid down in the year 2013 by the then Minister of Horticulture but building is not completed as yet still under construction though two stories structure is standing in a way which speaks volumes of inefficiency and non seriousness of govt.of j and k.To complete the building it requires less amount now but due to price esclation it will be now more than that which is utilised till date.on the other hand the growers farmers who need to use this accommodation for stay at Delhi for sale purchase of fruits.The poor people especially patients could have been able to awail the facility of said preposed accommodation.i have seen the beautiful accomodations of other states in Delhi which facilitate the residents of particular states .what a unfortunate destiny and govt.we have in dispensation so for .not public friendly start some projects and put these in half way .it was learnt from Dy Director planning and marketing posted at Delhi kissan Ghar that for replacing the beds / bedding etc is going to be replaced soon as tender was alloted to bidder but how long this issue will be settled not known however it is is observed that old building also need minor repairs in doors bath rooms is expected that concerned officials may take note of it and complete the half way halted project of kissan Ghar of jk the interests of public ( A R Hanjura advocate social activist Founder Kashmir farmers federation)

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