Dimple visits Eidgah jammu, wishes holy eid mubarak & celebrates eid with muslims brothers

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Jammu : Dimple welcomes HM statement on revocation of AFSPA, demands HM to release innocents in jails on Eid.

Sunil Dimple president mission statehood jammu kashmir visits eidgah residency road jammu & in masjids of Jammu. wished holy eid mubarak & celebrates Eid with muslims brothers.

Dimple prayed for peace’, progress & prosperity in jammu kashmir and India.

He greeted Muslims brothers and said this is the beauty of our J&K, that we all celebrate all religions festivals together and live with communal harmony and brotherhood.

Dimple prayed on Eid for communal harmony, brotherhood in Jammu Kashmir & India.

Replying to the question of media persons  on the statements of prime minister and home minister on the revocation of the AFSPA and article 370?

Dimple welcome the statement and appealed HM Amit shaha to announce the revocation of AFSPA and release all innocent youths of Kashmir lying in different jails.

Dimple demanded that the PM should announce the restoration of  j&k state, special status, implement the instrument of accession conditions, article 370, and make POK, gilgit, blatistan part of j&k state.

Dimple also demanded to immediately implement the instrument of Accession conditions signed during the accession with india by maharaja Hari Singh ji.

He also prayed for the restoration of j&k statehood.

Dimple prayed for the universal peace, communal harmony, brotherhood, restoration of happiness in jammu Kashmir, with j&k state and progress and prosperity in the families of the jammu Kashmir people.(CNI) Current News of India

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