Director General of Police, Jammu and Kashmir approves welfare loan/relief of over Rs.1.34 crore for 100 police personnel

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JAMMU: (CNI) Continuing his unwavering commitment to the welfare of Jammu and Kashmir police personnel, the Director General of Police, Mr. RR Swain, has released Rs 1.34 per 100 police personnel to meet their immediate financial needs. Sanctioned welfare loans/relief of more than Rs. This amount has been sanctioned from the Central Police Welfare Fund as per PHQ Order No. 681 of 2024.


Among the beneficiaries, 36 police personnel have been given welfare loans worth Rs 61.50 lakh to meet medical expenses for self-treatment and treatment of their dependents. Additionally, 15 police personnel have received Rs 1 lakh each, while 26 others have been sanctioned Rs 1.50 lakh each to help with the wedding expenses of themselves or their sons/daughters. Additionally, four policemen have been provided welfare loans of Rs 1.5 lakh each to help their wards in higher or vocational education, while three others have been given Rs 50,000 each for the circumcision of their wards.


Additionally, Rs.8.50 lakh has been sanctioned as welfare relief to provide assistance to 27 police personnel.


Welfare loans provided to police personnel are repayable and are drawn from their salaries in monthly installments without any interest, while welfare relief is non-repayable.


Police Headquarters provides support to all ranks of Jammu and Kashmir Police including martyred police personnel and wards of martyred SPOs through various welfare schemes. Additionally, outstanding wards of serving police personnel, martyrs, retired police personnel, and SPOs are awarded merit scholarships to inculcate competitive spirit in them.(CNI)

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