Discrimination with Displaced Kashmiri Pandit refugees in exile from the last thirty four years

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 With due regards, today on world refugee day we Displaced Kashmiri Pandits would like to invite the kind attention of the Honourable United Nations High Commission for Refugees( UNHCR) and United Nations Human Right Commission ( UNHRC ) towards the microscopic ethnic minority of Kashmiri Pandits community which is in shambles and has been facing a miserable situation for the last 34 years. Our ethos, culture and heritage is sought to be completely destroyed by the terrorists, materially and morally sponsored and supported by Pakistan and it’s agents in Kashmir Valley.This KP community is reduced to minuscule minority from 15% in 1947 to 01% at present by cultural aggression time to time and now this small community consists of about 3,50,000 Kashmiri Pandits are living in bad conditions, ‘as refugees’, in camps and non–camps, rented house in Jammu, Delhi and other parts of the country.

The mass exodus of the community in 1990 was because sustained terror, rapes, murder, loot and kidnappings at the hands of Pak terrorists and its agents in the valley. Hundreds Kashmiri Pandits, including women and children, were brutally killed, more than 300 temples and other religious shrines were demolished, damaged and burnt down and thousands of agricultural families deprived of their lands because of distrust sales and other reasons , thousands of houses reduced to ashes, looted.

We continue to be in exile from the last thirty three years, totally ignored and unheard, when India has a tradition of giving humanitarian protection to refugees and asylum seekers after following a very liberal refugees policy.

But unfortunately our country (India) has accorded differential and discriminatory treatment with victim Kashmiri Pandit community refugees belonging to Kashmir valley of Indian nation itself, faced with higher nature of atrocities than refugees of other countries taken asylum in India.

As per the International convention dealing with the issue of refugees is the 1951 Convention on Status of Refugees .

We victim Kashmiri Pandit Community are qualifying for the said refugee status ,but unfortunately have been declared as “migrants” instead internally displaced refugees under international law, scattered in different parts of India ignored and unheard.

Our fundamental rights, constitutional and other rights are not properly and fully protected when Indian constitution as well as the Supreme court of India says that such victims displaced people ( refugees) to live with dignity and honour, under article 21 of Indian Constitution.

Therefore, the victim Kashmiri Pandit Community under the banner of Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC), a representative organisation of victim KPs, make an appeal to Honorable UNHCR and NHRC, for appropriate action, this hapless community to be heard, justice to be given to them and also voice is raised through out world against Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir and its dreaded consequences.

We also appeal for declaring victims displaced Kashmiri Pandits as refugees under international law, till they are settled separately at one place in Kashmir valley at the land of Kashyap, within the ambit of Indian constitution, their rights restored and justice given at the earliest .

[Kundan Kashmiri]

President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC )


1..Copy to United Nations Commission for Refugees, India branch,

2… Copy to National Human Rights Commission, India.

4. Copy to PMO, South Block, New Delhi

5. Copy to Home Minister, North Block, New Delhi

6. Copy to Home Secretary, GOI, New Delhi.

[ Kundan Kashmiri]

President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC )

Email-kundankashmiri@gmail.comMobile No 08802167955

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