Efforts to Improve Traffic System: SSP Traffic Rural Kashmir RP Singh Conducts Campaign on Srinagar-Baramulla Highway

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Srinagar, 03 June:(CNI) In an effort to improve traffic flow and ensure road safety on the Srinagar-Baramulla highway, SSP Traffic Rural Kashmir Ravinder Pal Singh led a special campaign to educate drivers about traffic rules and regulations.


During the campaign, Singh interacted with drivers and urged them to adhere to traffic rules to ensure a smooth and safe driving experience.


The focus of the campaign was on promoting road safety measures and ensuring compliance with traffic regulations and adherence to motor vehicle rules.


Officials also issued challans to drivers found violating rules such as overloading and exceeding height restrictions.


SSP Rural Traffic Rural Kashmir Ravinder Pal Singh urged drivers and passengers to strictly follow traffic instructions while traveling on the highway.


Traffic officials were directed to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in the course of their duties.


The overall message of the campaign was clear: following traffic rules is essential for ensuring safety on the roads and violators will be held accountable for their actions.


Singh emphasized the importance of following traffic rules for the safety of drivers and passengers.


He directed traffic officials to maintain professionalism and integrity while enforcing traffic laws. Violators will be dealt with according to the law, Singh warned.(CNI)

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