Election Commission should transfer Local Officers to other states because Some officials still working under the direction of Hurriyat Conference, National Conference, PDP & Congress : Chandel

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Jammu, 2 April: Hindu nationalist BJP leader Raju Chandel, while speaking to journalists in Jammu today, stated that the highest number of administrative officials and employees in Jammu and Kashmir are still working under the directives of Hurriyat Conference, National Conference, PDP, and Congress leaders, who do not prioritize the work of the Bharatiya Janata Party or other smaller parties, whether it is about providing security or implementing Prime Minister’s housing development schemes and other initiatives.

Their actions are solely driven by the instructions of the leaders of the party that has been ruling Jammu and Kashmir for the past 70 years, which has resulted in the people of Jammu and Kashmir not receiving enough benefits. Only when the UT administration or officials in Delhi take action against them, some work gets done.

Mr. Chandel mentioned that as the parliamentary elections and the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly elections are approaching soon, the local officials should not create any discrepancies in the elections. Therefore, he urged the Election Commission to identify officials and employees with connections to Gadwal and transfer them to other states as soon as possible.

Mr. Chandel also expressed that the Bharatiya Janata Party wants to provide justice and equality to the beleaguered people of Jammu and Kashmir who have suffered for the past 70 years. In this process, corrupt officials and employees sitting in Jammu and Kashmir are proving to be the biggest obstacle, while the people of Jammu and Kashmir have already rejected the Ali Baba 40 Thieves Grand Alliance organization completely.

However, corrupt officials and employees under the governance administration are not letting the innocent and needy people of Jammu and Kashmir flourish. All these issues can be addressed only by the Election Commission. Therefore, I strongly demand that the corrupt local employees and officials in Jammu and Kashmir be transferred to other states as soon as possible.(CNI) Current News of India

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