Famous Tourist Destination ‘Yousmarg’ without proper mobile connectivity

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The famous tourist destination ‘Yousmarg’ in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district lacks proper mobile connectivity causing tourists as well as locals lot of inconvenience.

A group of locals told News-agency Current News of India (CNI) that tourists face a lot of problems in connecting with families back home while their visit to the place, as the place is still deprived of mobile network and an internet connection.

Locals said that tourists visiting here also get upset due to lack of mobile network and prefer to return early.
“If tourists could have night stay here, it would generate more income for locals,” they said.

Locals said they have taken up the issue with concerned authorities many times but to no avail.
“We once again requested concerned higher-ups to look into the matter at an earliest so that locals can heave a sigh of relief,” they said.(CNI)

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