Farooq Accuses PM of Dividing People on Religious Lines

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SRINAGAR: (CNI) Former chief minister and National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah on Monday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of sowing division along religious lines. He called for upholding unity and solidarity to counter divisive forces.


Addressing party workers in Chandgam, Pulwama and later in Shopian in south Kashmir, Dr Farooq accused PM Modi of targetting Muslims. “Instead of defaming and demeaning any community, the Prime Minister should uphold the values of the Constitution,” he said.


Abdullah said the Prime Minister’s responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of every section of society, regardless of religious affiliation.


He highlighted the contributions of Muslims to India’s independence struggle and reminded the people that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has not fought for India’s independence but rather collaborated with European powers.


He urged people to “unite against communal forces and pray that the BJP does not return to power”. He expressed concerns about the future under their rule.


The former CM questioned whether India still upholds the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. “There is a dire need of unity in resisting communalism,” he said.


He also called for dialogue with the people of Jammu and Kashmir, saying that if India can engage in discussions with China, it should also be willing to engage with its own citizens.(CNI)

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