The fastest train from Baramulla to Banihal is the BRML-BAHL EXP SPL (04484), which departs at 17:08:00 and takes approximately 2 hours and 57 minutes to reach Banihal ¹. Here are some more options ¹ ² ³:
– 04474 Dli Mfp Spl: departs at 07:08:00 and takes approximately 2 hours and 57 minutes to reach Banihal
– 74630 Brml Bahl Demu: departs at 09:15:00 and takes approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes to reach Banihal
– 74614 Baramulla – Banihal DMU: departs at 08:30 and takes approximately 3 hours and 5 minutes to reach Banihal
Please note that timings may be subject to change, and it’s always best to check with the railway authorities or a ticketing website for the latest information.