Father is next to God in a Child’s World, love and respect him : Kundan Kashmiri, Sevak

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In a child’s world, there exists a figure of great strength, wisdom, and kindness who stands tall like a guardian angel. This figure is none other than a father. Fathers, in the eyes of children, often take on a role akin to that of a super hero or even a deity. It is father who is shaping the very foundation of a child’s understanding of love, protection, and guidance.
A father’s love is unconditional, unwavering, and limitless. It is a beacon of warmth that lights up even the darkest corners of a child’s heart. His presence brings a sense of security and stability, creating a safe harbor where a child can grow and explore the world with confidence.
As being myself a father can say that in the eyes of a child, a father is not just a man; he is a super hero, a protector, a teacher, and sometimes even a God-like figure. His influence extends beyond the tangible to shape the very essence of a child’s character and understanding of the world. As children grow, they may realize that their father is human, with flaws and vulnerabilities. Yet, the enduring impact of a father’s love and guidance remains, a cherished foundation upon which they build their own lives and relationships.
Fathers truly are the unsung heroes in the story of childhood, forever etched in the memories and hearts of their children as the next God.love and respect him.
[ Kundan Kashmiri]
Mobile No 880 2167955

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