Illegal Mineral Extraction Goes Unabated In Rajouri

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Srinagar, 24 Aug (CNI) :The residents of Rajouri district on thursday alleged that the illegal mineral extraction goes unabated in Nallah Thanamandi and Nallah Rajouri in different places of the district while the authorities are acting as mute spectator.

Inhabitants of the district accused authorities of inaction against the ‘vested interest elements’ who according to them resort to illegal extraction of Bajri and Boulders from the area.

Reports reaching News-agency Current News of India that some people are extracting bajri, boulders illegally from nallah thereby resulted in the receding of water level besides weakening the embankments.

The locals further added that the JCB’s are openly extracting the minerals from the nallah while the authorities don’t even bother to reach the spot to take action against them and the illegal extraction process is carried out every day .

“The illegal extraction from the nallah is posing a threat to the fish production as well,” they said.

Meanwhile people of the area have sought immediate intervention of district administration and urged it to take prompt action against the mining mafia by seizing their machinery .(CNI)

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