JKAACL dedicates 34th Balidaan Diwas to Amar Shaheed Sarwanand Koul Premi

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Artists’ recognition crucial towards preserving region’s rich cultural heritage: Chief Secretary


JAMMU: The Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages (JKAACL) organized the 34th Balidaan Diwas in tribute to the esteemed poet, Amar Shaheed Sarwanand Koul Premi, at K L Saigal Hall, Writer’s Club Jammu.

Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo, was the chief guest on the occasion.

During his address, the Chief Secretary emphasized the importance of honoring the legacy of Premi ji by following his path in true spirit. He highlighted the significance of recognizing and celebrating the contribution of artists and poets towards preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of the region.

The session commenced with address by Rajinder Premi followed by Principal Secretary Culture, Suresh Kumar Gupta and Secretary JKAACL, Sanjeev Rana, who offered high tributes to the literary legend, Amar Shaheed Sarwanand Koul Premi.

The event witnessed presence of distinguished personalities and enthusiasts who celebrated the profound contribution of late poet to the cultural tapestry of the region.

The session culminated with vote of thanks by Rajinder Premi.

Following the inaugural session, another captivating paper reading session followed, featuring insightful presentations by the eminent scholars.

Professor P N Trisal delved into a comparative analysis of Sarwanand’s translation of Bhagwat Gita alongside other translators while Vinod Kumar Pandita presented a poignant paper titled ‘Sarwanand Koul Premi: A Poet of Love and Harmony’, and R L Jowhar shared ‘Views of Different Scholars, Critics and Writers about Late S N Koul Premi’ in Kashmiri.

The session was graced by the presence of Professor Rattan Lal Hangloo, former VC of Allahabad University, who shed light on the literary accomplishments of Sarwanand Koul Premi.

Professor Rattan Lal Shant presided over the session while Arwind Karwani, Commissioner Relief and Rehabilitation, graced the event as chief guest.

The poetry session featured esteemed poets including B N Betab, P N Shad, A K Naaz, Santosh Shah Nadaan, J K Bezaan, Ashok Gowhar, B N Abhilash, Dolly Tickoo, Moti Lal Masroof, Tej Sagar, Dildar Mohan, Rajinder Agosh, Vijay Wali and Kusum Dhar, who mesmerized the audience with their poignant verses.

A musical tribute to the poetry of Amar Sheed Sarwanand Koul Premi captivated the audience.(CNI)

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