Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers Federation Commends Success Story of Tiffin Aaw, a Rising Startup

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Srinagar, February 3, 2024 – The Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers Federation (KTMF) is pleased to recognize the remarkable success story of Tiffin Aaw, a burgeoning startup that has defied the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to emerge as a beacon of entrepreneurship and resilience in the region. Led by chairman Abrar Khan, Advisor Dr. Touseef Ahmed, and General Secretary (Org) Mohammad Altaf Dar, the KTMF extends its heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Rayees Ahmed Dar, the proud owner of Tiffin Aaw, for his outstanding achievement.
Started in 2020 with just a few utensils from his home and the unwavering support of his mother, Mr. Rayees Ahmed Dar’s journey epitomizes the true spirit of entrepreneurship and determination. In the face of adversity, he has transformed Tiffin Aaw into a thriving enterprise that has not only created employment opportunities for around 50 young boys but also serves approximately 150 professionals on a daily basis.

Mr. Dar’s exemplary dedication and vision have led Tiffin Aaw to become a shining example of a successful startup, showcasing the potential of local businesses to flourish even in the most trying of circumstances. His commitment to quality and service has earned Tiffin Aaw a reputation for excellence, making it a beloved choice for professionals seeking delicious and nutritious meals.

The KTMF recognizes Tiffin Aaw as a testament to the strength and resilience of the entrepreneurial spirit in Kashmir. Mr. Rayees Ahmed Dar’s inspiring journey serves as a reminder that with passion, hard work, and innovation, even the most humble beginnings can lead to remarkable success.

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