Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers Federation (KTMF) Urges Authorities to Address Lack of Public Washrooms in Srinagar

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Srinagar, June 8, 2024 : Mohammad Altaf Dar, General Secretary of the Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers Federation (KTMF), has highlighted a significant public health and convenience issue: the absence of public washrooms in key areas such as Rajbagh, Kursoo, and Zero Bridge in Srinagar. This issue poses severe challenges for traders, tourists, students, transporters, and pedestrians who frequently traverse these areas.


The lack of proper sanitation facilities forces individuals to resort to unsanitary alternatives, leading to potential health problems. Students attending coaching centers and residents who walk these roads regularly are particularly affected. The broader community faces ongoing inconvenience and health risks due to this deficiency.


The KTMF calls upon Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha Lieutenant Governor of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir,Divisional Commissioner Kashmir,Deputy Commissioner Srinagar,local governments and the Commissioner Srinagar Municipal Corporation to prioritize the installation of public washrooms. Addressing this need will significantly benefit the community, enhance public health, and improve the overall quality of life in Srinagar.Immediate action is required to resolve this pressing issue.CNI

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