Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC ) urge political parties  for inclusion of Important Demands of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in their party  Manifesto

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Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC ) urge political parties  for inclusion of Important Demands of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in their party  Manifesto,in particular in the menifesto of Bharatiya Janta Party ( BJP ).

Kashmiri Pandits Conference ( KPC ) ,in its plea to  all political parties inparticular Bharatiya Janata Party  ( BJP )  and it’s senior leadership,  Sh.Narendra Modi Ji and to Sh  J P Nadda Ji to include Important Demands of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in their party Manifesto for Lokhsabha parl


elections as well as Jammu and Kashmir state elections.



,President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC ) Kundan Kashmiri  stated  that all the  leadership of these political  parties  in particular  BJP leadership holds the key to addressing the long-standing demands and grievances of displaced Kashmiri Pandit community, thereby paving the way for their  brighter future.



Kundan Kashmiri  said that our humble plea is to consider incorporating the below given long-pending demands and grievances of the displaced Kashmiri Pandits into the upcoming party manifesto for both parliamentary and Jammu and Kashmir elections. These under  mentioned  burning issues and genuine demands have remained unaddressed for far too long, and we hope that under  their able guidance and leadership, they will finally see the light of day.


Sir,these demands are as under.



1.” One Place Settlement:”


We implore the establishment of a one-place settlement for displaced Kashmiri Pandits within the Kashmir Valley, preferably bordering Jammu and Kashmir. This settlement must come with robust constitutional and institutional guarantees, ensuring the free flow of Indian constitutional rights and protections.


2. “Grant of Indigenous Status:”


Recognize the Kashmiri Pandit community as indigenous inhabitants of the Kashmir Valley, tracing our roots back over five millennia. This acknowledgment is pivotal in safeguarding our cultural heritage and identity.


3.” Commission of inquiry to KP atrocities and ethnic cleansings.”


Convene a commission to scrutinizethe tragic forced exodus, ethnic purges, genocidal atrocities, and rampant plunder and arson inflicted upon the serene Kashmiri Pandits during the tumultuous upheaval of 1989-90 in the picturesque valley.


4 “Internally Displaced People Status”.


Declare displaced Kashmiri Pandits as Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and extend to them all the benefits and support accorded to such communities.


5.**Special Financial Package and Compensation**


Provide a special financial package to compensate for the losses incurred by displaced Pandits during the tumultuous times in the Valley, ensuring their rehabilitation and economic stability.


6 “Protection of Shrines and Temples:”


Safeguard and promote the rich cultural heritage of Kashmiri Pandits by ensuring the protection and preservation of our sacred shrines and temples in the Kashmir Valley under proper law, at par with religious properties of Muslim and Sikh communities in the Kashmir valley.


7. “Employment and Rehabilitation:”


Facilitate employment opportunities for Kashmiri Pandit youths in central departments and undertakings, alongside offering rehabilitation packages for overage KP youths and those who have been left out of the workforce due to displacement. Enhancement of relief for migrant relief holders to be made at the earliest.


8. “Restitution of Land and Properties:”


Address properly and effectively the issue of land and property encroachment by land mafia and perpetrators, ensuring that the rightful owners, the Kashmiri Pandits, reclaim what is rightfully theirs in the valley.


9. “Representation in Parliament”


Allocate one seat each in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha for the minority community of Kashmiri Pandits, symbolizing representation and inclusion in the democratic process.


10. “Priority to PM Package Employees”


Provide special consideration to the grave issues of PM package employees working in the valley, including their security and accommodation issues, and seek to resolve them at the earliest.CNI









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