KP,s are dismayed for Stoic silence of PM Modi Ji over the burning issues of displaced Kashmiri Pandits during his recent visit to Jammu

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KP,s are dismayed for Stoic silence of PM Modi Ji over the burning issues of displaced Kashmiri Pandits during his recent visit to Jammu.—Kundan Kashmiri,Community Sevak & President KPC.


Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC) in a stated Iin a meeting at New Delhi that Kashmiri Pandit community in general and Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC ) in particular is dismayed and disappointed for stoic silence about the grave issues and genuine demands of exiled victim Kashmiri Pandits,during his recent visit to Jammu,it seems neither this community exists nor on the priority for Hourable Prime Minister of India.


Kundan Kashmiri, President KPC stated that Hounrable PM continued to remain silent over the burning issues of displaced victim Kashmiri Panditsand during his recent visit to Jammu not a single word was told about these victims of terrorism, wrong polices of previous regimes of ersthwhile Governments of the state and center and others.

It is not only to speak over the issues of exiled KP community ,

even not allowing or calling to have an audience (meeting) with KP delegation to listen their vows and understand their problems as no one heard them seriously from the last 34 years to instill a sense of confidence among these victim exiled community of Kashmiri Pandits and redress their problems and accept their genuine demands.


Kundan Kashmiri stated that it is highly abominable and demoralizing that no one talks about the genuine problems and aspirations of nationalist community of Kashmiri Pandits presently languished and unattended at various parts of the country. Even those who bat for minority rights in the rest of the country don’t speak for the neglected and alienated people of Kashmir valley presently in exile from the last thirty four year’s


He said ten years have gone now and these KP victims are st waiting when our Hourable Prime will break his silence over KP,,s grave issues and speak out what is in his kitty for this victim community of Kashmiri Pandits who are refugees in their own country unheard, ignored and isolated.


He said that during¹ recent visit to Jammu, by Hourable Prime Minister, a new hope had emerged and were confident that this time Modi Ji will speak out about real aspirations of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits, that includes meaningful consolidated rehabilitation at “ONE PLACE “at the land of Kashyap in Kashmir valley, grant of IDP statues, grant of indeginious status to KP,s, Commission of enquiry, passage of shrine bill, nullification of distress sale in actual means, rehabilitation of over–aged youths, enhance of relief to relief holders, financial help for those Displaced KP,s suffering with fatal diseases, problems of PM package employees, and other grave issues but again ignoring and given deaf ears towards KP,s burning issues has further demoralized the KP community.


Under all these conditions, the exiled Kashmiri Pandits in general and Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC ) in particular want to know from Hourable Prime Minister Sh.Modi Ji, and its Govt. at the centre and leaders in helm of affairs at union of Jammu & Kashmir, kindly disclose what is finally in their mind and kitty for this victim community of Kashmiri Pandits in exile who are waiting for justice from last thirty four years and how long these seventy thousand displaced families who are suffering for exile will remain as nomads, unheard unattended and isolated. CNI



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