KP,s response to Dr.Farooq Abduulha,s return call : Kundan Kashmiri President KPC

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In response to your yesterday’s call to victim displaced Kashmiri Pandits for their return to Kashmir valley, your call and words may carry an appearance of reconciliation, they overlook the painful realities and unresolved issues that continue to haunt this victim KP community.


Dr Sahab , though it is very difficult for them to trust and believe you and your government as per thier post experiences ,however, today you ask them return to valley, but have you ever acknowledged why they were forced to flee? In 19 88 -90, during your tenure as Chief Minister, this victim community faced brutal killings, targeted violence, and a mass exodus. At that crucial time, when they needed protection, you chose to leave for London, abandoning the community to its fate. Even after 35 years, there has been no CBI inquiry, no judicial probe, and no commission of inquiry into the ethnic cleansing and forced exodus of Kashmiri Pandits.

Dr. Farooq Sahab, can you tell them who was responsible for the killings of thier innocent men, women, and children? What about the horrors of the Wandhama massacre that happened during your tenure? Why was no inquiry conducted to bring the perpetrators of such heinous crimes to justice?


If you are calling for their return to their homes and hearths today, will you provide them with a written guarantee that atrocities like Wandhama or their target killing will never occur again? Can you assure them that those responsible for the killings of Kashmiri Pandits will be brought to justice? Will you ensure the safety and security of every Kashmiri Pandit who returns, guaranteeing that they will not relive the horrors of the past and their perpetrators and tormentors are punished suitable under law of land ?

Are you sure their will be no terrorist activities, no stone pelting or law and order problem.,no communal division and discrimination?


Moreover, while Dr Sahab you invite them back,but your government has historically shown disregard for their religious and cultural heritage. The hundreds of Hindu places were renamed as Muslim names and now in your party manifesto calling Shankaracharya Hill was rechristened as “Suleman Hill,” and Parbhat became “Kohi Maran.” How can they trust a government that has facilitated the erasure of their religious history, identity, and heritage? If they are to return, will you restore the dignity and were seized under draconian laws like land to tiller act with out compensation, and their land and homes were illegally occupied with out their consent and any compensation or under distress sale ,. If you are sincere in your call for thier return, will you first ensure the restoration of their properties and land? Will you first provide compensation for the decades of loss and suffering of this community has endured? Or will they again be left to rebuild their lives, with no security or justice in place?


Dr Sahab are you sure that your government will not get all those terrorists, militants, stone pelters,and anti-nationalists released who are in various jails for their anti– national activities,,and other unlawful activities who were also directly or indirectly responsible for creating such an atmosphere which forced victims KP,s to leave thier homes empty hands to save thier lives.


Dr. Sahab, if you were truly concerned about the victimized Kashmiri Pandits, your political party, the National Conference (NC), should have at least given one mandate to a Kashmiri Pandit to contest any seat in the Kashmir Valley, thereby ensuring representation for the community and others. This act by you and your party would have spoken volumes about your genuine commitment to the Kashmiri Pandit cause. Unfortunately, the absence of such a gesture is deeply disappointing and speaks to the contrary.


Dr.Sahab, they do not wish to be scattered as vulnerable individuals throughout the Valley. If your government is serious about their return, designate one place having huge mass of land within Kashmir valley where the entire displaced Kashmiri Pandit community can live together, with constitutional and institutional guarantees, adequate security provisions, and necessary infrastructure. After 35 years of victimization, they deserve the right to live with dignity, security, and thier rightful place as an indigenous community of Kashmir.


Dr. Farooq Sahab, this is not just about empty promises or political gestures. It is about accountability, justice, and the assurance of safety for a community that has been wronged for decades. Until these critical issues are addressed, your call for their return remains hollow.


The displaced Kashmiri Pandit community will not consider returning to Kashmir valley until these historical injustices are acknowledged and corrected.Thy were driven out by terrorists, separatists, and the failures of both your government and the then Central government. If you truly wish for their return, the first step is to rectify these wrongs and deliver on justice and security for this victim community. along thier settlement at one place in Valley..


Are you ready to accept these facts and take further steps? Will you lead the way in delivering justice for the Kashmiri Pandit community sincerely and ensuring their rightful ” one place” at thier land of Kashyap and accept their all genuine and rightful demands ?



[ Kundan Kashmiri ]

President, Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC)

Sevak and Representative of Victimized Displaced Kashmiri Pandits–‘Mobile: 880 2167955

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