Kundan Kashmiri President KPC extended his deep hearted gratitude to the Sh.Narendra Modi Ji government at the centre

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Jammu : Kundan Kashmiri President KPC extended his deep hearted gratitude to the Sh.Narendra Modi Ji government at the centre and Sh. Manoj Sinha Ji, the esteemed Lt. Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, for their unwavering commitment in restoring and preserving sacred site of Mattand temple., hoped other significant temples across the Kashmir region which have great historical importance and cherished by the Kashmiri Pandit community be also restored. —— KPC


As the President of the Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) and a fervent social activist, Kundan Kashmiri extends his heartfelt gratitude to the Modi Ji government at the centre and Sh. Manoj Sinha Ji, the esteemed Lt. Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, for their unwavering commitment to restoring and preserving sacred site of Matton temple.in District Anantnag of Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that restoration of the Martand Sun Temple the 8th-century marvel stands as a beacon of ancient Hindu heritage, marks a significant milestone in reclaiming Kashmir Hindu cultural identity. Built by the illustrious Hindu king Lalitaditya Muktapada, who reigned over Kashmir in the 7th century, this architectural marvel is more than just a structure. It is a symbol of resilience, spirituality, and the enduring legacy of Kashmiri Hindu heritage.

Kundan Kashmiri, President KPC eloquently highlights the temple’s ancient background underscoring its importance as one of the oldest Sun temples in India. However, the passage of time and the tumultuous chapters of history bore witness to its desecration,which recalls and reminds of the challenges faced by Kashmiri Pandit community.

During the tyranny of Shah Sikandar the Martand Sun Temple, along with countless other sacred sites, fell victim to the ravages of time and conflict. Yet, despite the scars of the past, the temple’s restoration stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the resilience of Kashmir Hindu culture and the enduring spirit of its people.

Kundan Kashmiri, known social activist & well-wisher of the victim KP community said that

beyond the Martand Sun Temple, government should safeguard and promote other significant temples across the Kashmir region which have great historical importance, revered by generations, and cherished by the Kashmiri Pandit community which include ancient temples like, Shiva temple, Pandrethan, ancient Hindu imprints at Harwan, Ushkura, Devar, Yakhmanpora and Parihaspora, groups of ancient temples at Naranag, Buniyar, Ladhuv, Fatehgarh and Tapper, Waripora, Avantiswamin and Avantisvara temples at Awantipora, ancient Shiva temple at Payer, Pulwama, Shankargaurisvara temple and Sugandesha temple at Pattan, Detha Mandir at Bandi, Bumzuva cave and temple at Bumzuva, ancient temple, Kakapora and others.

These temples serve as sacred anchors, connecting the past with the present and inspiring future generations. Their restoration and revival are not merely acts of preservation but affirmations of Kashmir’s multicultural ethos.

Kundan Kashmiri’s impassioned plea resonates with a sense of urgency and call to action to ensure that these sacred spaces are not consigned to the annals of history but are instead rejuvenated and revitalized, vibrant hubs of religious and cultural expression.

Kundan Kashmiri demanded that allocation of sufficient funds to support the restoration and upkeep of these temples and emphasizes the need for a dedicated Shrines bill, empowering Kashmiri Pandit managements to oversee the stewardship of these sacred sites a step towards reclaiming agency over their religious and cultural heritage.

Kundan Kashmiri,also said let us all come together to safeguard our heritage, honor our ancestors, and forge a path towards a brighter, more progressive future for our KP community in Kashmir.CNI



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