Mir aghast over non regularization, financial crisis confronting CIC operators of RDD

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Sought immediate measures to enhance their wages


New Delhi(CNI): It is very strange, rather unfortunate that despite being qualified and talented, the CIC Operators working in RDD are just earning mere Rs.10000 per month Rs 333 wages per day, with the result, they are not in a position to feed their families and give education to their wards. Had there been a proper mechanism with respect to regularization process, the services of CIC operators would have been confirmed long before given their educational qualification and the service period.


The AICC General Secretary and Former J&K Congress President Ghulam Ahmad Mir made these comments on Saturday while commenting on the hardships confronting CIC Operators in an statement.


Mir expressed disappointment over the financial crisis confronting CIC Operators due to the meagre earnings and their long pending regularization, which is not being done for the reasons known to the Govt. There are thousands of similarly situated employees working in different departments, who are waiting for the regularization of their services since decades leading to the financial burden.


I would urge upon the Govt to enhance the wages of CIC Operators and start the process of their regularization, which they deserve given their qualification and the dedication towards the department, Mir said adding that Govt must formulate a regularization policies for them and other daily wages employees working in different departments ensuring that they are able to overcome the financial burden concerning their families. It is a human issue and should be address, on priority basis, Mir told the JK Govt.


Meanwhile AICC General Secretary took a jibe at the Power Development department for punishing poor residents by serving them unexpected bills amounting to Rs. 900,1050, 1600 and in some areas upto Rs.2100 or more than that, as reported, which speaks volumes and needs to be rectified. Such actions reflect the failure, a move to harass consumers, which is uncalled for and unacceptable. The inflation has already hit the poor badly, besides the huge electric bills are pushing people towards further economic distress, Mir told the Govt and sought immediate rollback of electricity hike.(CNI)

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