Mission Statehood President Condemns Targeted Killings in Kashmir, Appeals for Communal Harmony and Enhanced Security Measures

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Sunil Dimple president mission statehood jammu kashmir, in a press confrence statement strongly Condemned the targeted killings of Punjab Sikh youth Amritpal singh & Rohit Kumar by the militants in kashmir. To create communal tensions. He appealed the people of all the religions, to Maintain communal Harmony brotherhood, as the terrorists are creating Panic in j&k, Pierpanjal, chinab valley, kashmir & jammu regions. Dimple appealed LG.Manoj sinaha & DG j&k police, that he had received life threats by Militants. So Increase my security. The FIR in this matter, has been registered in police station Bakshi nagar. But catch the terrorists, as they can also be hiding in jammu, may attack & do targeted killings. He said the Administration is in alert mode & is seriously taking my threat perception, but one PSO is not enough as my family is also under the threat of lives, due to me

Dimple condemned the gruesome killing in habbakadal of Sikh and hindu youth term it a deep rooted conspiracy to tigger communal flare up in the state.to derail the election process.

Dimple said Mission statehood is very much concerned about the growing open killings of civilian which is also a serious threat to social political leaders who are working for peace and communal harmony in j&k.

Sunil dimple has requestd the PM Modi, HM Amit Shaha for their statement on the Pakistan militants presnce, targetkillings & attack on our brave security forces in the j&k.

Dimple alged the killing of the Punjab Sikh youths in kashmir, the motive is to create differences between j&k, punjab & to crate communal hates in Muslims, Sikh Hindu communities.

He further alleged the terrorists have created the penic, in kashmir, jammu. Pierpanjal, chinab valley people by targeted killings attacks on the security jwans, by Lashkrey, ISI, Afaganies militants.

Dimple conveyed his deep concern over the safety of his family and himself , appealed administration to upgrade security cover to the family and to him as recently terrorist organisation, issued a death threat to him, ehich cant be ignored as these elements may do killings, attacks, explosions in jammu regions in the coming elections

Dimple said he is in touch with the DIV COM jammu, SSP jammu Dr Vinod kumar & they are very coperative

He further said but the killings has sent a shock wave of fear down the mind, spine that no one seems to be safe. He appealed DG j&k police to provide adequate security cover to protect from any mishap to hom and his family, as the Mission state hood is always busy on the roads to promote the message of peace, Communal Harmony, fighting against pakustan -China militants and can be soft target.

Dimple demanded PM Modi, HM Amit Saha to give befitting reply to Pakistan-China, Librate POK, gilgit, Blatistan and make it the part of j&k state

He warned Pakistan to stop these nefarious designs. He appealed the Prime minister to start operation all out, all clear to clean militancy in j&k

Dimple also appealed the misguided youths to leave Gun cultureand join the National main stream

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