Police Arrest Two Militant Associates in Kreeri Baramulla

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Srinagar, 01 June (CNI): Baramulla police on thursday claimed to have arrested Two militant associates of Lashkar-e-Toiba militant outfit alongwith arms and ammunition at in Frestihar Kreeri area of Baramulla district.

As per the Police statement, On a specific information regarding movement of terrorists in Village Frestihar Kreeri, Joint forces of Baramulla Police & 29 RR placed a MVCP at Frestihar Waripora Crossing Kreeri.

Two suspect persons who were coming towards Frestihar Waripora Crossing tried to flee while noticing joint naka party but was apprehended tactfully.

During their personal search 2 Chinese Pistols, 2 Pistol Magazines & 15 live Pistol rounds were recovered from them and were taken into custody immediately. Who was later identified as Suhail Gulzar S/O Ghulam Mohd Sheikh R/O Frestihar Kreeri & Waseem Ahmad Pata S/O Ghulam Qadir Pata R/O Hudipora Rafiabad.

Case under Indian Arms Act & UA (P) Act was registered in Police Station Kreeri and investigations was taken up, reads the statement. (CNI)

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