Reforming India’s Democratic and Election Laws is Dire Necessity : Kundan Kashmiri

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Jammu : In recent years, India has witnessed a disturbing trend in its democratic landscape: individuals with connections to terrorist organizations, separatist movements, and anti-national activities are being elected to Parliament. This alarming development underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive overhaul of India’s election and democratic laws to safeguard the integrity of the nation’s political system.


The election of individuals like Surabjit Singh Khalsa from Punjab and Rashid Engineer from Jammu and Kashmir exemplifies the gravity of the situation. Both have been associated with entities that threaten India’s sovereignty and internal security. Surabjit Singh Khalsa is linked to pro-Khalistan elements, advocating for a separatist agenda, while Rashid Engineer has known affiliations with groups that have historically supported anti-India activities. Such individuals’ presence in the legislative body not only undermines the democratic process but also poses a direct threat to national security.


One of the primary reasons for this alarming trend is the existing loopholes in India’s electoral laws. The current framework allows individuals with serious criminal charges, including those jailed under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), to contest elections. These laws must be reformed to prevent those accused of terrorism, sedition, and other anti-national activities from holding public office.


Furthermore, the screening process for candidates needs to be more stringent. A thorough background check should be mandatory for all candidates, ensuring they have no affiliations with enemy countries, terrorist organizations, or separatist movements. This will help in maintaining the sanctity of the democratic process and ensuring that only those with a genuine commitment to the nation’s welfare are elected.


Another critical area for reform is the regulation of political funding. Terrorist and separatist groups often channel funds to political candidates to influence the democratic process. Strengthening laws to track and audit political donations will help curb this menace. Transparency in political funding will deter anti-national elements from infiltrating the political system.


Moreover, there should be stricter penalties for individuals found guilty of colluding with enemy states or engaging in anti-national activities. Disqualification from holding any public office for life should be considered for such offenses. This would serve as a strong deterrent and reinforce the message that India will not tolerate any threats to its sovereignty and integrity.


In conclusion, the urgent need to reform India’s democratic and election laws cannot be overstated. Protecting the nation’s democratic fabric from infiltration by terrorists and separatists is paramount. By implementing stringent measures, India can ensure that its democracy remains robust, resilient, and true to the values of justice and national security. The time for decisive action is now, to preserve the sanctity and security of the world’s largest democracy.CNI


[ Kundan Kashmiri]

Political Analyst & President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC )

Mobile No 880 2167955

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