Rehabilitation and redressal, not elections, are the Priority for Kashmiri Pandits : Kundan Kashmiri, President KPC

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Jammu : The Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) strongly urges the Government of India and the administration of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir to prioritize the permanent rehabilitation and redressal of the genocidal and other grave issues faced by exiled Kashmiri Pandits over the registration of votes and elections.


President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC ) Kundan Kashmiri, expressed deep concern over the continued neglect and isolation of the Kashmiri Pandit community, accusing the government of viewing them merely as a vote bank. Despite their pleas, the government and political leaders have shown little interest in addressing their suffering or listening to their grievances. Successive administrations in both Jammu and Kashmir and New Delhi have failed to engage with the Kashmiri Pandits in any meaningful way, focusing instead on their own agendas.


Kundan Kashmiri further stated that it is deeply unfortunate that the authorities have not recognized the pain and suffering of the Kashmiri Pandits, who are staunch nationalists and have greatly contributed to the country. Ignoring this community is not only a disservice to them but also to the nation. Politicians must understand that a meager amount of relief is insufficient for providing a dignified and honorable life to those who have lost everything in the mass exodus.

The educated youth of the community, who have been denied jobs at central departments and excluded from various welfare schemes, face a bleak future. They cannot continue to survive on minimal cash assistance. It is shocking that there is no government policy or platform to address the issues of these hapless people or to work towards their honorable and dignified rehabilitation at one location in the valley, despite their immense contribution to the nation.


KPC Chief stated that for the past 35 years, the Kashmiri Pandit community has been in exile and deserves to be heard, embraced, and healed. They have been the first victims and the most affected by terrorism and discriminatory policies of successive state governments. The government must remember that previous healing policies favored militants and those affected by militancy, while the Kashmiri Pandits were ignored and left to suffer.


He further said that it is imperative for the government and political leaders to initiate talks with the Kashmiri Pandit community to understand their aspirations and address their long-pending demands. These demands include a one-place settlement in the Kashmir valley under the Indian constitution, granting indigenous status to the community, nullifying distress sales, passing the shrine bill, rehabilitating overage youths, addressing the issues of PM package employees, enhancing relief measures, and resolving other critical issues.


KPC leadership unequivocally informs the central government and the Union Territory administration of Jammu and Kashmir that the rehabilitation and redressal of genocidal and other grave issues are the top priorities for the Kashmiri Pandit community, not elections and voter registration. The KPC also advises the central government and the Election Commission not to rush into conducting elections in Jammu and Kashmir until militancy, corruption, land encroachment, and other issues are resolved, and the displaced Kashmiri Pandits are rehabilitated according to their wish and will in the valley.


Kundan Kashmiri, a senior leader of the victimized Kashmiri Pandit community demands that comprehensive rehabilitation plan for the Kashmiri Pandits at one place in the Kashmir valley, along with the granting of indigenous status and addressing other critical issues should be included in Prime Minister Modi Ji’s priority list for his third phase of Government at the centre. CNI


Media Cell KPC

Mobile: +91 880 2167955

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