Request for Fair and Transparent omination of Five Members among the comman Kashmiri Pandits & others for the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly

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At this crucial moment following the conclusion of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections, the entire population of Jammu and Kashmir, especially the displaced and marginalized communities, looks forward with great anticipation to the nomination of the remaining five members of the newly formed Assembly, as per constitutional provisions. The significance of these nominations cannot be overstated, especially considering that they are expected to include two representatives from the Kashmiri Pandit (KP) community (one male and one female), one from the PoJK (Pakistan-occupied Jammu & Kashmir) community, and two women from other deserving sections of society.


Sir, this is a historic opportunity to ensure that the voices of these communities, long overlooked and underrepresented, are finally heard in the democratic process. The upcoming nominations offer a chance to reinforce faith in the system and set a benchmark for fairness, transparency, and accountability.


Sir, the Kashmiri Pandit community, which has borne the brunt of displacement and exile for over three decades, eagerly hopes that these nominations will reflect the true aspirations of the people.


Sir, despite their numerical minority, Kashmiri Pandits possess a rich and deep reservoir of talent, experience, and patriotism. The community has produced countless individuals who have tirelessly contributed to the nation’s welfare, its unity, and its sovereignty, often at great personal cost. It is these deserving individuals ,selfless activists, scholars, and professionals ,who must be considered for nomination, free from any political influence or affiliations with parties such as Congress, PDP, NC, BJP, or others.


Sir, over the years, many political leaders and parties have claimed to represent the KP community, but in truth, it is the grassroots activists and common people of this community who have carried the burden of preserving the cultural, social, and nationalistic identity of Kashmiri Pandits. These individuals, who have been consistently overlooked in favor of politically connected personalities, deserve a fair chance to be nominated and represent their community in the Assembly. This is the collective desire of the entire KP community: that the nominations come from among these sincere, apolitical individuals, whose primary allegiance is to the nation and its people, rather than to any political party or ideology.


Sie, similarly, the nomination from the PoJK community should reflect the genuine aspirations of the displaced people from this region, many of whom have long been marginalized and politically neglected. It is essential that the nominee from this group represents the common masses, someone who is grounded in their struggles and challenges, rather than a politically aligned candidate.


Furthermore sir, the two remaining seats for women’s representation should be allocated with fairness and inclusivity in mind. In particular, the Sikh community, which has faced its own set of challenges, should be duly considered. Moreover, we strongly urge you sir, to include a second female representative from the Kashmiri Pandit community. The women of the KP community, who have faced immense hardship during the years of displacement and exile, have been historically underrepresented.


Sir, their contribution to the cultural preservation, education, and social welfare of our community cannot be ignored, and their representation in the Assembly is not only a matter of fairness but a critical step in addressing their long-standing grievances and ensuring their voice is heard in shaping the future of Jammu and Kashmir.


Hounable Lieutenant Governor Sir, your administration has been recognized for its impartiality, integrity, and commitment to good governance. It is with great faith in your leadership that we make this heartfelt request. We implore you to ensure that the nomination process for these five critical Assembly seats is conducted with complete fairness, free from the pressures of political lobbies, and with an eye toward merit and genuine representation. The Kashmiri Pandit community, as well as the other deserving groups, has endured years of struggle, but their dedication to the nation has never wavered. It is time that this dedication is acknowledged by nominating individuals who have truly served their communities and the country, without being swayed by political interests.


Sir, the nomination process is a test of the government’s commitment to inclusivity and fairness. By ensuring that these nominations are not merely political favors, but a reflection of the true aspirations of the people, your office will reinforce the faith of the minority and displaced communities in the democratic process. We also trust that the Home Ministry under the able leadership of Honorable Sh. Amit Shah Ji will safeguard the interests of these communities and ensure that their rightful place in the Assembly is secured through fair nominations.


Sir, this moment calls for a bold and just decision that will stand as a testament to your administration’s dedication to the welfare and progress of all sections of society, particularly the displaced and marginalized communities like the Kashmiri Pandits and PoJK refugees. The Kashmiri Pandit community, which has faced decades of exclusion, now looks up to your office with great hope. We are confident that you will rise to the occasion and make nominations that reflect the will of the people and the need for genuine representation, thereby strengthening the future of Jammu and Kashmir.


Sir, with profound respect and confidence in your leadership, we look forward to a decision that upholds justice, fairness, and the principles of true democracy.


Thank you sir, for your continued service to the nation and to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.


Yours sincerely,


[ Kundan Kashmiri ]

Kashmir Observer & President, Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC)


Mobile: 880 2167955.


1. Sh.Amit Shah Sahah Ji, Hounrable Home Minister of India, North Block, New Delhi for your kind consideration and necessary action as requested sir.

2.Copy to Prime Minister’s Office,( PMO ) for further necessary consideration and necessary action as requested sir.

3.Copy to Hounrable Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, Jammu, Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for information and your recomnedation to the higher up on the bases of our request ,being nodel organization of displaced Kashmiri Pandits.


[ Kundan Kashmiri ]

Kashmir observer & President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC) –Mobile No.880 2167955



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