Return to power by National Conference ( NC ) is a threat to victim KP,s interests, it is time for unity and serious reflection

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As the political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir shifts once again, the possibility of parties like the National Conference (NC) reclaiming power raises deep concerns for the displaced Kashmiri Pandit (KP) community. For decades, these political forces were responsible for the erosion of KP rights, the destruction of our homes, and the suffering that has marked the last 35 years of exile. The return of NC and its allied parties to power is not just a political event but a reminder of the dark period when KPs were systematically marginalized and driven out of their homeland.


The return of these forces requires the KP community to stand united, rejecting the empty promises of those who historically betrayed us. The NC and its allies have repeatedly shown that they do not have the best interests of the KPs at heart. They are responsible for fostering an environment that led to our mass exodus in the 1990s, and their political agenda has consistently sidelined KP voices. Therefore, we must actively organize and mobilize, ensuring that no member of the community falls prey to false hopes of reconciliation from these same forces.


Kashmiri Pandits must demand that the Indian Constitution’s protective measures are strongly enforced in Jammu and Kashmir. Given our vulnerable position, we require robust political safeguards, legal rights, and economic support that cannot be easily reversed by local political shifts. We should push for concrete guarantees in the form of reserved legislative seats, special economic packages, and security provisions, ensuring that the interests of KPs are always represented.


Rather than depending on established political parties that have betrayed us, KPs must consider creating their own political alternatives or supporting parties that genuinely reflect the interests of the displaced community. This will help us ensure that our concerns about rehabilitation, restitution of property, and justice for the atrocities committed against our community are brought into the political mainstream. It’s time for KPs to take political control of our own destiny.


The return of NC and its allies should not be taken lightly by the Central Government. It is essential for the Modi government, which has made promises to the KP community, to take an uncompromising stance on this issue.

The Central Government must ensure that past mistakes are not repeated. There must be no compromise on the security and dignity of KPs. Any government that disregards the plight of KPs should not be allowed to function with impunity. The Centre must institute strict accountability measures for the local administration, making it clear that discrimination against the Pandit community will not be tolerated.


The exiled Kashmiri Pandit community has lost all confidence and hope in parties like NC. The Central Government, as the guardian of national integrity and justice, has a responsibility to restore this faith by actively engaging with KPs, addressing their concerns directly, and ensuring that their return to Kashmir is safe and dignified. Without decisive action from the Centre, the KPs’ return to their homeland will remain a distant dream.


The government must create comprehensive, long-term rehabilitation programs that address the economic, social, and psychological damage caused to KPs. These programs should include financial assistance, educational support for KP youth, and mental health services for those who have lived in exile for decades. Additionally, the Centre must actively pursue policies that enable the safe and dignified return of KPs to their native lands.


The potential return of National Conference (NC ) and its allied forces to power in Jammu and Kashmir marks a critical juncture for the KP community. We cannot afford to be complacent. It is time to stand together, assert our rights, and hold both the local and central governments accountable. We must remind the country that our exile and suffering were not merely unfortunate events but a gross injustice that remains unresolved. Only through unity, political engagement, and unwavering pressure on the Central Government can we ensure that the dark days of betrayal by political forces like NC are never repeated.


“Also this should be strong call to the Kashmiri Pandit community to stay vigilant, stay united, and fight for your rightful place in your land of Kashyap in Kashmir valley together as community”.


[ Kundan Kashmiri]

Kashmir watcher & Solidier ASKPC & President Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC) — Mobile No.880 2167955

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