Sajad Lone Vows to Be the Voice of the Suppressed, Promises Accountability for 1987 Rigging by NC

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Those Involved in 1987 Rigging Must Be Exposed: Sajad Gani Lone

By Aadil Abdullah 

Sumbal,09 May: (CNI) People’s Conference President Sajad Gani Lone stated that if his party is given the mandate, those involved in the 1987 electoral fraud will be dealt with according to the law.

He made these remarks at a mega party convention in Sumbal onThursday.


He was accompanied by General Secretary Molvi Imran Raza Ansari and Yasir Reshiand other party leaders.


Sajad Lone vows to be the voice of the suppressed, promises accountability for 1987 rigging by NC if given a chance to represent you at parliament .


Lone accused Omar Abdullah of deceiving the people of Jammu and Kashmir by making empty promises regarding Articles 370 and 35A. Responding to Abdullah’s statement targeting him as a militant, Sajad questioned whether he was a militant or affiliated with the BJP.


He further criticized the National Conference, stating that when they have nothing on their agenda, they resort to labeling other parties as A or B-teams of the BJP. “Stop issuing certificates of good and bad,” he emphasized, holding Omar Abdullah responsible for the killings in Jammu and Kashmir. He warned that if his government came into power, FIRs would be registered against Omar Abdullah for the rigging of the 1987 elections.


Challenging Abdullah’s accusations, Sajad questioned, “If I am not good, how can you claim to be good?”(CNI)

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