Rajouri : A shepherd boy was injured in the attack of a bear in Kotranka Tehsil of Rajouri district. According to the details, Kandi Khadyoon of Kotranka, a 17-year-old boy was with his flock of goats when suddenly a bear appeared and attacked the shepherd boy.
An official told News Agency Current News of India (CNI) that a shepherd boy was seriously injured in a bear attack. The family and the villagers brought the injured to the Community Health Center Kotranka for initial treatment.
He identified him as Barkat Ali son of Mohd shabir is about 17 years old as Swari village of Kotaranka. After initial treatment, the injured shepherd has been referred to GMC Rajouri for treatment.
According information today village peoples was seen bear, while after that there is panic among the villagers. The villagers demanded the Waildlife Department to catch the wild bear as soon as possible.(CNI) Current News of India