Shopkeeper held for Selling Petroleum Products Illegally on Exorbitant Rates in Palhallan

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Baramulla Police on thursday said that they have arrested a Shopkeeper for being involved in selling of Petroleum products illegally on exorbitant rates and recovered 187 ltrs of Petrol/Diesel from his shop at Palhallan Pattan area of North Kashmir’s Baramulla district.
As per the statement issued here to News-agency Current News of India (CNI) Police under the supervision of Sh Mohd Nawaz-JKPS, SDPO Pattan assisted by PSI Aeraf Niyaz IC PP Palhallan arrested Shopkeeper namely Mehraj Din Mir S/O Ghulam Mohiuddin Mir R/O Tantraypora Palhallan, who has been found involved in selling of Petroleum products illegal on exorbitant rates at his shop at Palhallan Pattan, District Baramulla.

During search 187 litres of Petrol/ Diesel was recovered from his shop and was taken into custody immediately.

Police said that case under sections of Essential Commodities & Petroleum Act registered in Police Station Pattan and investigations set in motion.(CNI)

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