Renzushah presided “Grand Ramzan ul Mubarak conclusion & welcome to Eid ul Fitar conference” participated by galaxy of eminent scholars, intellectuals, educationist Youth at Iconic Meelad school organized by Shahar e Khass cultural Forum.
No 5th fail Moulvi without any satellite infrastructure be allowed to trace Eid crescent simply by looking towards sky unless crescent is watched as per 700 years tradition from Bulbushah & Shah Hamdan shrines by people of Shahar e Khass —- Renzushah
Srinagar 8th April 2024: Khwaja Farooq Renzushah on invitation of historical spiritual area of Shahar e khass Iconic Meelad Higher Secondary School Neelam Chowk presided most prestigious “Holy Ramzan conclusion and Welcome to Eid ul Fitr Conference” participated by Galaxy of scholars, intellectuals, youth and educationist. The Shahar e Khass Literary & Cultural Welfare Society had organised this extraordinary sacred event in collaboration with Angel’s Academy and Meelad School.
Renzushah congratulated all participants particularly Tariq Shera chairman Shahar e Khass, Jenab Hilal Ahmad chairman Meelad, Principal Meelad Mtm Taslima Hilal, President of All private education institutions of Kashmir Jenab G.N. War sahib, Moulana Mufti Nisar Palpuri, Jenab Anwar ul Islam, Jenab Zahoor Sahib judge of the event, Jenab Mehraj ud Deen Faraz, Firdous Ahmad Jalu, Mohamad Amin Jalu, Meelad Hilal, Gousia Jabeen, Sameer Shah, and hundreds of eminent personalities besides students and teachers whose presence had graced this historical occassion held specially on 28th of Ramzan falling on 8th April 2024.
Renzushah while highlighting spiritual importance of holy Ramzan and holy Quran said that Great prophet Rasool Akram was made of Noor. Before creation of universe it was Noor e Rasool saw which emerged from Noor e Allah. He castigated 8th April 24, abnormal Israeli event being organised today in Israel to savagely slaughter Red Cows and burn them half alive and sprinkling cow blood on same fire in most horrific way. The Slaughtering of sacred Red cow with illusion that Jesus Hzt Isa which some of Jews & Qadiyani believe is buried in Rozabal Kashmir will emerge from grave, is totally illogical and hurting Hindu & Muslim sentiments.
When Kashmir from Bulbulshah & Shah Hamdaan times never appreciated slaughtering of Cows in Kashmir how Israeli radicals will be allowed by Animal Rights as well as Human Rights forums of World to allow Ribbies to slaughter spot less Red cows Heifero with notion that Hazrat Isa is buried in Rozabal Kashmir and will get life back in grave. This is totally unacceptable to people of Kashmir of all faiths Hindu, Muslim; Buddhists whose books never believe Isa is buried in Kashmir nor Hindu faith approve slaughter of such sacred Cows by Israelites publically in most cruel way. He said that various moulvies of Kashmir freely criticise Holy Dastageer shrine of Sarai e Bal as Shirk to enforce Deobandi Wahabi ideology but are mum on uttering a word to demand ban of slaughter of Red cow Heifero by Ribbi radical Jews today 8th April or reject existence of any Jesus grave in Rozabal.
Khwaja Renzushah further said that on conclusion of this Ramzan no 5th fail moulvi without any satellite or sophisticated infrastructure in Kashmir need to be allowed to make simple statement on crescent by looking on sky unless crescent is watched as per 700 years tradition from Bulbushah & Shah Hamdan shrines by people of Shahar e khass. He said unfortunately section of 5th fail moulvies encourage conflicts between Hanafi, Jaffari, Humbali, Shafi & Maliki by introducing new radical streams of thought which never existed before 1990 in Kashmir to facture our heterogeneous society.
On demand of participants of 28th Ramzan event on 8th April in Kashmir Renzushah after demanding ban on slaughter of Red cows and burning them half alive in fire in savage way also emphasised to understand importance of Slogan of Lakumn Deena Kum Waliya Deen as taught to us by our great prophet to respect sentiments of all faiths without hurting any faith through such savage acts of Ribbi radicals. He said that Rozabal grave which is also claimed as Hitler grave as per Sun star London Revelations any theory of calling it Jesus grave becomes irrelevant.
Renzushah recited his Mystic Tasawwuf Research quotes while addressing prestigious gathering of devotees in spiritual conference which out rightly reject existence of Isa grave in Kashmir.
Khwaja Renzushah said that eleven hundred Holy shrines are presently associated with Jamaat Aitqaad Hanafiya International (JAH). He said one night great Shah Hamdan Sang forty Masnavies at forty places which is still known as Chahal Israr in Kashmir where no mention of any grave of Jesus in Kashmir was made by Amir e Kabir. Khwaja Farooq Renzushah emphasised to restore the purity of Tasawwuf of Kashmir as was ensured on advise of Hazrat Bulbushah by Hazrat Sader ud din Renchanshah in 1321 AD. This was period when last Reshi Queen Descendent of Silsila Reshie got Spiritual permission of Bulbushah RA to continue Reshi cult in Kashmir.
Renzushah said purity of Tasawwuf is important component of Tasawuf, Ishiq e Rasool saw & Ishiq e Awaliya’s was established and further ensured by Hazrat Shah Hamdan after fifty years after Hazrat Bulbushah & Hazrat Sader Din Renchanshah era again. He chanted slogans of Love for Allah, Prophet, Noor and mutual unity on this occasion which were unanimously responded by Spiritual devotees.
Renzushah said that time has come to declare Kashmir place of Tasawwuf belonging to all religious fraternities tied with each other through knots of Tasawwuf.
Renzushah said that it is Supremacy of Nature which has made Kashmir heterogeneous society but unfortunately for vote bank politics it has been deliberately suppressed by Previous regimes so that heterogeneous character of Kashmir remains hidden from world and Kashmir is projected as violent tribal place of war lords like Afghanistan.
He said that in his capacity as DC he named Srinagar Airport as Sheikh ul Aalam Airport and in his capacity as Commissioner SMC built Sheikh ul Aalam Darwaza to present SMC head quarter as abode of Purity of Sheikhs who believe in cleaning not only materialistic garbage’s but garbage of hate embedded in souls. However Only nine months after my transfer one radical ideologue Commissioner utilising same clan as his identity obsessed with venom & hate removed both sign boards of Airport as well as SMC headquarters. This establishes power of such venomous forces who encouraged on one side radical powers & on other side narcotics and wine culture. Under extraordinary patronage of local politicians.
Renzushah said that if new generation is to be saved not only original Tasawwuf of Kashmir be brought to logical place and 72 lakh books burnt by forces of hate be republished but all such radical dar ul Alooms responsible for commercialising religion by preaching violence need not to be further encouraged to end their communal traits and Gazwat ul Hind venom. Billions of Communal assets need to be merged in local Waqaf so that it’s Billions of collections is utilised for publishing moral books of Tasawuf, Sufi Mashrab Hanafi Maslak and unity of all basic five maslaks. This way culture of fifth fail moulvies who have no knowledge of true Islam will not be able to continue with billions of religious assets which they have made their personal religious instructions based on radical syllabus. (CNI) Current News of India