Er Rashid is PM, HM, BJP’s Lap baby parrot Sunil Dimple
Sunil Dimple president Mission Statehood jammu kashmir alleged “Er Rashid is BJP baby” . He said the recent PM Modi, Home Minister’s recent PM PM Modi statements are very shocking and the PM, HM speeches Words do not match with their actions and are double speak. He alleged PM , HM, BJP’ are backing thise anti-nationals, who are jailed and working against j&k and India’s interests, such as Engineer Rashid and Jamiat Islamiya. Dimple exposes the government’s true intentions and raises serious questions the BJP commitment to national security.
*Dimple said my Fight for the restoration of j&k state, articles 370,35-A, implementation of Instrument of Accession conditions, unification of j&k, Ladakh , POK, Gilgit, Blatistan will continue till my last breath*
*BJP’s anti national dangerous game plan*
Dimple said the j&k, kashmir people should foil the BJP’s anti national plan, to capture the assembly seats in the j&k sensitive, disturbed state. After Abrogation of Articles 370, 35-A of J&K. The jammu region is in danger due to BJP dangerous game plan by compromised , our nation interests, for the political gain in assembly elections. “BJP gave birth to Er Rashid and anti national voices” and let free the anti-India elements to conspire, conspiracies against india in Jammu Kashmir.
*Demand for strong action*
Dimple demanded the BJP to clear its stand on ER Rashid and his anti-India activities and stops feeding them. The Home Minister’s statement is a betrayal of the people’s trust and a threat to our national security.
*Rejection of BJP’s game plan*
Dimple appeals j&k people to reject the BJP’s game plan. It’s shameful that the BJP has compromised with the Pulwama, the sacrifices of our Army personnel, Target killings for the assembly elections, political gain. We demand BJP’ to stop their approach to prioritize the people, voters and Play with the national security and the people’s emotions. CNI