Sunil Dimple welcomes the CJI, SC decision to hear the review petition on article 370, on 1st may Wednesday, a wave of happiness has gone in the hearts

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Jammu : Dimple requests SC, CJI of India, to please send the review petion on article 370, to the larger bench for open hearing.  


Sunil Dimple president mission statehood has welcomed the CJI SC Supreme Court decision to hear the review petition on article 370 on Wednesday first may.


He said the wave of happiness and expectations in the hearts of the jammu Kashmir people, since when they have known and have listened that the CJI, SC will listen to the review petition again on wednesday.


Dimple requested & demanded SC, CJI of India, to please send the review article 370 review petition to the larger bench for open hearing.


Dimple requested CJI, chief justice of India, to direct the central govt to immediately restore our j&k state, implement instrument of accession conditions of jammu kashmir, liberate POK, Gilgit, Blatistan make it part of j&k state.


Dimple also asks apni party president Altaaf Bhukhari, democratic azad party GN Azad, people conference president Sajjad lone to clear their stand on the article 370, instrument of accession conditions & before going in for alliance with the BJP.


He said we are fully confident that SC will uphold the dignity, integrity of the Indian constitution and will set the things right


Dimple said we are confident the SC CJI & constitutional bench will give j&k people full justice, will protect our lands, jobs, lost identity, culture demography.


He said we want our PRC j&k state subject, protection of land, jobs, the unification of J&k, Ladakh, POK, gilgit, blatistan in j&k state.


Dimple said we want the state of jammu kashmir state on which maharaja harisingh ji signed the stand still agreement of j&k state during the accession with india.

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