Three drug Peddlers arrested with Psychotropic Substance In Sopore

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Sopore, 07 Sep (CNI): Continuing its efforts against drug peddling, Sopore Police on thursday said that it had arrested three drug peddlers and recovered Psychotropic substances from their possession.

As per the press release issued here to News-agency Current News of India, a police party of Police Station Tarzoo, while on patrolling, apprehended three persons who had attempted to evade the police party in a suspicious manner were caught tactfully at Amargrah.

On search, 09 bottles of Codeine Phosphate (WINCEREX) and 2592 capsules of SPASMOPROXYVON Plus were recovered from their possession,the accused have been identified as Shahid Majeed Bhat S/O Abdul Majeed Bhat Badambagh A, Reyaz Ahmad Kumar S/O Muhammad Ramzan Kumar R/O Hajibal Tangmarg and Sameer Bashir Bhat S/O Bashir Ahmad Bhat R/O Badambagh C Sopore.

In relation to this, case FIR No. 87/2023 under relevant sections of law of NDPS Act has been registered at PS Tarzoo and investigation has been initiated. (CNI)

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