Traffic Police launches crackdown against trafiic violators across valley, Several vehicles seized; SSP Traffic Rural urges compliance, safety measures

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Srinagar : In an effort to address the issue of overloading in passenger vehicles, Traffic Police Rural, Kashmir, under the directions of SSP Traffic Rural Kashmir Ravinder Pal Singh has initiated special drives in various areas of the Kashmir Valley.


Traffic Rural Kashmir on today held special drives at Qazigund Kulgam, Ichgam Budgam And Pulwama concerned to curb the menace of traffic violations, particularly indulging in overloading, over speeding, rash and negligent/stunt driving , wrong parking on roads and other visible traffic offences.


Special drive at Qazigund/ kulgam in which 32 vehicles were challaned for overloading of Passenger, 09 M.cyclist were challaned for not wearing crash helmet, 38 vehicles were Challaned for Disobeying Traffic Signal , 01 vehicle for not having Valid DL, 10 challans w/O Uniform, 11 challans against seat belt, wrong parking 01,disobey lawful direction 06, w/o HSRP challan 03, Seized vehicles 03, challans in other / general offences 68

Total 179 challans in Sector Kulgam/ Qazigudn.


Similar type of special drives were also launched in Pulwama

under the directions of SSP Traffic Rural Kashmir Ravinder Pal Singh.

The main objective of the special drives was to aware the general public as well as transporters and drivers regarding traffic rules and regulations.


During the Special drive were Pulwama in which 06 vehicles were challaned for overload , 04 M cyclist were challaned for not wearing crash helmet, 8 vehicles Challaned Disobeying Traffic Signal , 12 vehicles for not having valid insurance, 07 challans w/O Uniform and 09 challans against Token Tex not paid.


Similar type the third special drive was held at Ichgam Budgam in which two vehicles were seized for not having DL and other documents, 16 vehicles were challaned for overload , 10 were challaned for not wearing crash helmets and 6 for triple riding, 4 using mobile while driving the vehicle , 7 vehicles for not having valid insurance and 2 seat belt.

The total number of challans during the all three drives were over 270 challans and seized vehicles for traffic violations.


Special stress of drives were given upon the visible offences like overloading, rash and negligent driving, over speeding, without crash helmets/seat belts , so that the nose of violators is tightened in the area.


Traffic Police Rural Kashmir under the close and effective supervision of SSP Traffic Rural RP Singh, Kashmir till date had launched various special drives in the whole rural jurisdiction against different type of visible as well as other traffic offences to ensure strict enforcement and maintenance road discipline.


SSP Traffic Rural Kashmir, R.P Singh, emphasized the ongoing efforts to book violators and highlighted the importance of drivers prioritizing safety.


He urged drivers to ensure they carry complete documents and conduct necessary mechanical checks on their vehicles. Adherence to safety measures, including proper documentation and vehicle inspections, is crucial during the initiative.CNI

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